A number of studies have reviewed the characterization of bioaerosols regarding land application of biosolids.  Findings released in the “Proceedings of the Biosolids Exposure Measurement Workshop” provided the following summary points regarding bioaerosols during biosolids land application:

  • Overall risk of infection from bioaerosols resulting from land application is low.
  • Duration of exposure during land application is very discrete.
  • Occupational risk is greater than community risk due to enhanced exposure, but still low.
  • Community risk is insignificant.
  • The greatest risk to occupational workers occurs during loading of biosolids.
  • For community and occupational risk, there is less risk due to bacteria than virus.
  • Application method influences aerosolization rates.
  • Environmental factors do not influence aerosolization rates

Proceedings of the Biosolids Exposure Measurement Workshop, Appendix D-4, Community and Occupational Risk from Bioaerosols during Land Application of Biosolids, I. Pepper, University of Arizona, p.37, 2007, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Additional bioaerosol resources include:

Biosolids and Bioaerosols, S. Brown, PhD, Univ. of Washington, 2006;

Bioaerosols from Land-Applied Biosolids: Issues and Needs, S. Pillai, Water Environment Research, Vol. 79, No. 3, Special Issue: Pathogens (March 2007), pp. 270-278;

Bioaerosols From Biosolids Land Application and Composting Activities, E. Epstein, 2005, pp. 788-793(6), Water Environment Federation Proceedings;

Biosolids Safe for Land Application, UA Researchers Find, S. McGinley, 2003, UANews;

Bioaerosol transport modeling and risk assessment in relation to biosolids placement, Dowd, S.E., Gerba, C.P., Pepper, I.L. and Pillai, S.D., 2000, J. Environ. Qual. 29:343-348